Christoph Endres & Robert Wirth: PAC MAN SPEZIAL (1984/1985)
End of 1984 I wrote my first computer game, a clone of the back then popular Pac Man game for my Amstrad CPC.
After I was done with it, my friend Robert took the code and improved it. By now, I only have vague ideas which
parts of the code are mine and which his.
What I know for certain is that it was his idea to introduce three variatinons: Besides the normal labyrinth
we had an appearing and a disappearing labyrinth. In the former case, the points just looked like the walls
and you could see more of the labyrinth the further you progressed. In the latter case, the walls were invsible and
the labyrinth only marked by the points, i.e. the further you progress, the emptier the screen.
You can download a .dsk-file here and play the game on a CPC emulator. I recommend